The year 2022 had been a fruitful year despite of the pandemic!  Different ministries were opened due to the challenge of caring for each other and caring for the church!  Six souls were also added to the church through God’s help!  Discipleship ministry was prioritized and it resulted to ministry involvement of the brethren!  Praise be to God!  Bro. Kenjie is asking our prayers as his wife is going to deliver a twin on June, 2023!


Kenneth Dela Vega - Sabang CoC, Tuy, Batangas

It was a great relief for Kenneth when he started to receive a support from CCMP! He said, CCMP’s support is a big help for him and the church as they can now also think of a way to have their own chapel building because as of now they are just using a temporary place as their house of worship.  Sabang church continues their mid-week prayer services, fellowships and house to house Bible studies as Kenneth encouraged the members to host a Bible study in their homes. Sabang CoC had 4 baptisms last 2022.

LITO MANTILLA - Barahan CoC,  Occidental Mindoro.

Bro. Lito is so happy since he became a recipient of CCMP!  He said he has now more time in the ministry not like before.  As single parent, he had to manage his family and think of his children’s needs.  Lito serves Barahan CoC in Sta. Cruz, Occidental Mindoro.  He also has a ministry with the police and the Mangyan tribe.  They call this ministry as KASIMBAYANAN.  The government encourages the pastors and religious group to take part in reaching out the minorities and communities helping the police’ aim to achieve peace and order in one’s town.  Lito also reports of 7 baptisms last 2022 and he hopes more will come to knowing Christ as he has more time in the Gospel now not like before.


CHRISTIAN FRANCISCO - Poblacion Siruma CoC, Siruma, CamSur

Chris is very much inspired in the year 2022 as CCMP started to support him!  He said, before, it was very difficult for him to do his ministry as he only receives a very small amount of love-gift from the church he is serving!  Aside from his ministry in Poblacion he is also helping two other churches - Bagong Sirang and Quiloon.  Sometimes he would travel by boat to visit Quiloon and help them strengthen their youths!  His sacrifices paid off as he said… In Poblacion CoC, when he arrived there there were only 15 to 20 active members, but now, it has 40 to 60 active members as they focused on revival and visitations.  But they also had 8 baptisms in the church.  In Bagong Sirang, there were 6 souls added in the church and in Siruma CYF which Chris helped to get active and strengthened, there were 20 souls who accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  All in all, Chris had 34 baptisms in 2022!   Christ is also requesting for prayers as they are now starting an outreach in Bahao.  Praying that more souls will be won for the Lord in the coming months!



“2022 is the year of unexpected blessings!  I have tears in my heart that every time we pass by to the Jollibee, my daughter is looking and tell me, I wanna eat there!  But it’s hard for me because we don’t have enough amount of money for that.  That’s why when we received the support from CCMP, I was so happy!  I was able to pay for my debts and how good it was to live without any debt!  Then, I brought my daughter to Jollibee which made her so happy!  Thank you CCMP!!”  These are the words from Bro. Albert who is very thankful to the Lord because of CCMP!  Albert also added that from now on he will also have more time in the ministry because of this and hopes that more souls will be brought to the Lord!  Last 2022, Mondragon church had 11 baptisms.  Their activities were youth camps, visitations and home Bible studies.  He said they will be doing it again in 2023 and may add more activities as the Lord permits!


FRANZ REY VICENTE - Navotas CoC, Balayan, Batangas

- Bro. Franz reported that the church of Christ in Navotas, Balayan, Batangas continues to grow in number and in knowledge too!   They had 10 baptisms in 2022 and Franz said he was happy to see how the brethren grew spiritually as they gave more time on leadership training!  He believes, when leaders are trained enough and encouraged, they will surely share their part and do their responsibilities to help the church grow!  This will also result to inspire the members and continue being active in serving God!



Despite of difficulties in life (financially), Bro. Noni did not step back in reaching more souls for the Lord!  In 2022, he was able to open two outreaches in the mountainous part of Ragay, CamSur.  F. Simeon CoC has now a small place being used for their worship services and they started their worship service there in August of 2022. In Cabasag, another outreach, they started to reach out the people there in 2022 and they had their first worship service last Feb. 1, 2023. They have a house church in Cabasag, Del Gallego, but hoping that soonest possible time, they will be able to build a house of worship there.  Noni had 4 baptisms for 2022!


MANNY GRENCIO - Tabaco CoC, Albay, Bicol

Manny, despite of being sickly lately, still managed to do his work for God’s glory!  He serves two churches, the Tabaco CoC and their outreach which is Balaba CoC!  These churches help together, fellow shipping with each other to  encourage and strengthen the youths and their faith especially!  Manny said there were 4 baptisms from Tabaco and 6 from Balaba CoC in 2022.  Manny is sending his thanks to the CCMP for the many years they supported him!


JESS CANAS - Admiral CoC - Antipolo City, Rizal

2022 had been very fruitful for Bro. Jess!  They had 44 baptisms this year!  This is because of their feeding and BLESS ministries of Admiral CoC!   Through BLESS Literacy program which aims to encourage children and out of school youths a mission program of a couple in Antipolo was reached out!  They were missionaries according to Bro. Jess, but they didn’t use their religion to reach out people but helping those out of school youths!  The husband died (who was a Methodist) and the mission was left to his wife (a Baptist).  But when the wife met Jess, they decided to pass to them their mission and Jess started to reach out and continued their ministry.  This resulted to baptisms and more souls were being reached out for the Lord!  Let’s continue to pray for this ministry which is being used by God in reaching people for Christ!


JESS TOLENTINO - Labasan Church of Christ, Bongabong, Orriental Mindoro

Bro. Jess happily reports of the happenings in the church he is serving, the Labasan Church of Christ in Bongabong, Orriental Mindoro. “We were able to develop leaders from men, women and youths! As of now, they can lead small group devotions and Bible studies!  We were able to open 4 areas as small group in Labasan Looban, Laasan Green Village, Sampalokan and Brgy. Ipil!  We strengthened the relationship in the church and helped the children and youth ministries become active again!” according to Bro. Jess.


ORLY GRENCIO - Sogod-Simamla CoC, Virac, Catanduanes

Orly is very much thankful to the CCMP for the 11 years of support in his ministry!  Last 2022, he had 6 baptisms in Catanduanes.  He continues to train the youths in evangelism as one of his plans is to plant churches in the province and island of Catanduanes.  Let’s pray that this dream do come true!  There’s only one Church of Christ in Catanduanes and Orly is praying that there would be more souls to be won for the Lord in the island, that’s why he is very active in evangelism and house to house activities with the youths in the church.


JOSEPH ISLETA - Lanzonesan CoC, Candelaria, Quezon

Being one of the new CCMP recipients, Joseph is so happy and inspired in his ministry.  He said, Lanzonesan CoC focused on strengthening the faith and ministry of the brethren.  They established the women, men and youth groups so that there will be a group anyone can belong to.  The praise team also has quarterly fellowship with the mother church - (Candelaria CoC) so that the new brethren will be encouraged and also learn how to play music instruments.  It resulted for the church to acquire music instruments and challenge the brethren to help about the project.  They had online selling and coin banks to be able to save and buy music intruments which they did after a few months.  Joseph reported of four new souls baptized in 2022!


ROGER MAR “JAROGS” PANAGA - Diffun CoC, Diffun, Quirino

Bro. Jarogs is a member of the SOCAVA church planting team.  He is the one serving in Diffun CoC.  He reports of 6 Bible studies every week which is being attend of not less than 6 persons in every group.  He is happy that the members in Diffun CoC are the ones hosting the Bible studies.  They are the ones looking for the prospects and they just invite Jarogs and Bro. Carl Dominic to lead the BS.  Jarogs is also happy on how the CCMP is helping them through the CGC seminars being held every Thursday night hosted by the CCMP Advisory and with the help of STNE officers.  Roger is also involved in strengthening the ties of the youths in SOCAVA.     5 baptisms from Diffun CoC.



Isabel church, according to bro. Dodong decided to purchase a bass guitar to be used for worship.  He also said, they made improvements for the children department’s room as their number  had grown.  He also said, camps is one of the many activities that help win souls for the Lord!  That’s why they do it yearly especially the youth camp!  One soul fro the church accepted Jesus as her own personal Savior.


PACKS PADILLA - Bacolod East Side CoC, Bacolod City and Silay CoC

Bro. Packs said, there were some struggles they met in the church, but thru prayers they slowly overcome it!  “Struggling but gradually growing”, he said.  Nevertheless, Packs continues his ministry in the City Hall of Silay City, reaching out the municipal employees like the engineering department, NGO’s, office of the vice-mayor and office of the DSWD and Health Center where he was given a slot to conduct counseling to those who will be getting married.  Packs also conducts monthly leadership training to the pastors of small churches in the area of Negros Occidental.  He also has regular home Bible studies which result to 6 baptisms in Talisay City Church and 8 from Bacolod East CoC.


ART NECESARIO - Handumanan CoC, Bacolod City

Bro. Art happily reports that the church in Handumanan is growing despite of the pandemic problem!  He also said he had 32 baptisms altogether from Handumanan and Felisa churches of Christ.  A church of Christ Acapella also have joined with them and they are now together as one church.  “We never stop our feeding ministry, when finances allow us.  It is thru this feeding and praying ministries we continue to find souls for the Lord”, Art said. 


DIVINO ALFANTE - Villa Antonio CoC, Calapan, Orriental Mindoro

“I will always be thankful to the Lord because of CCMP!”  This is what Divino said in  his report.   Divino or Bisoy extended his ministry in Bacungan as a family offered their house for Bible studies.  Since then, that house became a house church and they now have regular worship services in Bacungan.  Bisoy is praying that this new church will grow as he sees its potential because there are more people in the place.  Bisoy had 2 baptisms in 2022 and he is hoping that more souls will come in 2023!


RUDY LAVEGA - Back to Lucena  

After several years of being a pastor in Pila-pila CoC in Binangonan, Rudy decided to go back to Quezon and help Lucena CoC with Bro. Jojo Carpena and the SLIM team too!   As of now, he helps Lucena in their music ministry and also handles the youths.  (They had 17 baptism last 2022 in Pila-pila CoC).


FREDIE CASULLA - Tenejero CoC, Candaba, Pampanga

Fredie is sending thanks to the CCMP for the years he was supported and it was a big help for them according to him.  The church had 16 baptisms in 2022!


WARREN URMA - Real CoC, Kiloloron and Laguio

Warren’s activities include visitation, prayer ministry, home Bible studies training and discipleship and many others!  The churches he serves are Real CoC (mother church) and the two outreaches which are Kiloloron and Laguio.  He is happy as of now because there is now a bridge going to Kiloloron not like before that they have to cross the river before they can reach the place.  He is also happy on how he sees the progress of the youths he’s teaching and training to preach and share the Gospel.  Now, they can handle Bible studies and small groups too!  He prays that these youths will continue to be active and develop the passion in evangelism.


MARIO ODIAS JR. - Paagahan CoC, Mabitac, Laguna

The year 2022 was a challenging year for Mario.  But he praises the Lord as he’s able to overcome it through God’s help!  There were problems in the church and in his family and even he, himself got sick.  Nevertheless, through God’s help and through his family’s help he’s now recovered.  He said he had to become a fish and fruit vendor so that he can sustain/support his family especially his siblings who are still very young.  But he also stated that Bible studies and midweek services are being done according to schedule.  They had 3 baptisms last year, 2022 and they also have ongoing Bible studies which topic is baptism.  Mario hopes that this will result to more souls being baptized into Christ.



SOCAVA - Southern Cagayan Valley - Diffun, Quirino Province

 We are are happy to inform you that Southern Cagayan Valley Churches of Christ Mission, Inc. (SOCAVA COC) is in full swing with its activities in spite of the pandemic that the world is experiencing right now, we thank GOD for His provisions. We are allowed to have our face to face Worship Services in all our Churches here in SOCAVA Area and the government is more lenient in allowing us to have Bible studies in houses.  Likewise, we are already allowed to have fellowships and other Church Activities!

Youth activities and fellowship were done accordingly and were attended of 80 to 100 youths from different churches in Southern Cagayan Valley. Likewise, the young professional group had their quarterly fellowships help and strengthened each other!  The women’s group also had their regular gatherings thru the leadership of sister Norma Guillermo. 



Uddiawan CoC was able to construct a bigger place of worship in 2022!  The roofing were already finished although the flooring were roughly done!  But we believe, this will become a reality as the brethren help together in this project! 

Diffun Church of Christ was able to surround the Church building with concrete fences. Likewise, they were able to purchased new sets of speakers, projector, microphones and guitars (bass and rhythm).  Diffun is being pastored of Bro. Jarogs Panaga. 

Santiago City Church of Christ handled music lessons to their young people for free. They offered this not only to their members but also to their prospects. They did this for two (2) consecutive months and end it with Music recital. It was indeed a successful ministry because their students here were baptized later and became active church members.  They also have a feeding ministry at Siphon, Santiago City as part of their ministry.

Cabbaroguis outreach had an extensive revival campaign!  Bro. Jarogs was assigned with the youths,  Bro. Dominic lead the adults and sister Margie Guillermo took care of the children’s ministry.

Bro. Paquito Ammog is very happy because the church in Ammogaoen has now a concrete chapel building!  Though transportation here is a big problem, Ptr. Paquito found ways or remedy so that members from far places will be transported to the church.  

 All in all, SOCAVA church planting team had 42 baptisms!  Let us pray that more wouls will be reached out and result to more churches being planted in Quirino, Nueva Vizcaya and southern Isabela provinces.



Shore Line and Island Mission

Camps, fellowships, training, house to house evangelism, visitations, Bible studies, prayer ministry and many other activities!  These were all done by the SLIM team and the churches under it. 

Those activities also resulted to souls being won for the Lord!   Slim reported of 24 souls baptized in 2022. 

It seems that churches planted by SLIM focused more in their local churches, strengthening their local especially the children and the youths! 

The church in Lucban, Quezon being handled by Bro. Ijit Dans is now slowly being constructed!  Bro. Ronald Ranola helps him in Lucban mission.  This two also work together in the jail ministry outreach in Lucban.  




Despite of the pandemic that we’ve all experienced, we can still praise God and thank Him for His care and provisions!  Botolan missions continued reaching out our beloved Aeta tribe in Botolan! 

Through the leadership of Bros. Jesse Comandante and Henry Flores, the Bihawo Church of Christ celebrated its First Anniversary last November 13, 2022!  It was attended by not less than 100 adults and more than 70 children!  Bro. Roger Sanchez, welcomed us with their tribe during the celebration! 

The CCMP ADVCOM team purposely went to Botolan a day before the celebration and Bro. Mel Maldupana conducted a short lecture about the importance of our lives and our family!  The aim of the seminar is for the parents and the youths be able to understand the value of caring for each other and that God values our lives more than anyone else!  This is the very reason why Jesus gave His life for us so that this life that we have will be able to continue in the heavens!    (Each of the AdvCom members also gave their short talk about the topic). 

San Narciso Church of Christ which is Bro. Jesse’ destino also, gave way to the celebration of the Botolan Anniversary and therefore brought the entire church to Bihawo to attend the Sunday worship service and anniversary celebration.  San Narciso is very much involved in the Botolan mission.

The speaker in the anniversary was Bro. Dan Sulit who spoke more about standing  firm in the faith especially of the churches of Christ. 

Botolan mission through Bros. Jesse Comandante and Henry Flores Sr. had more or less 35 baptisms now in Bihawo CoC!  Thanks God also to the people who  God uses to support this mission!