CCMP Needs Your Support

The economic and social conditions in the Philippines make it difficult for local churches to support workers and preachers adequately. Much has been asked of the CCMP for various types of ministries in the Philippines. And yet we can only do so much. But a lot more can be done if you allow the Lord to touch your heart. It is our petition that the Lord would expand our Vision, touch people’s hearts to accept the call of leadership, provide the talents that we need to expand the Mission, increase the membership and funds to allow us to extend more help to others. Likewise, we covet your prayers, for the Lord's guidance and wisdom in all of the CCMP's undertakings. CCMP invites you to join the Mission.

How can you help?

Prayers and financial contribution are very much appreciated.

If you find it in your heart to give, please mail out your contributions to:



P.O. BOX 521