Year 2021 summary


One of Warren’s best accomplishment for 2021 was when Real church  of Christ was able to help their outreach (Laguio Church of Christ)  to have their  own church building through the help of the Koreans. 
Bro. Warren also grabbed to opportunity that while there is pandemic and most of the time, the members are in their houses, he offered Bible studies and training for leadership.  He was able to train youths in evangelism and in serving God.   Warren also had 22 baptisms for the year 2021!


Despite of the pandemic, Bro. Dong said, they were able to complete the flooring of the church.  Then, they also built the children’s Sunday school room.  Dodong also said, they were happy to have an additional family members in Isabel CoC, who transferred in their church.  He plans to offer a special class about baptism, targeting the unbaptized believers for 2022 and they are also planning to have an additional worker (youth minister) in the church to take care of the youths and to help him in conducting Bible studies in evangelism activities. 

He had 3 baptisms for the year 2021. 


Bro. Orly had 14 baptisms for 2021.  He also said, he focused this year on   discipleship or training the members in sharing their faith and helped them also develop their spiritual life by regularly conducting a “prayer mountain” experience and daily group devotions so they can enjoy praying and also grow in the knowledge of the Word of God. 

This year, 2022, Bro. Orly said they are now also ready for house to house evangelism and in reaching other barangays !  Let’s pray for them!


Jess’ ministry could be considered having the best accomplishment for the year 2021!  He had 88 souls baptized this year!  It’s all because of their ministry which is called BLESS.  Because of their efforts to continue to reach out for children for feeding programs they were able to reach three places which they regard as “mission villages” which are Galilee, Pantay and Dumpsite!  The ministry of the Presbyterian church to the children and the people surrounding their place was properly turned-over to Bro. Jess or to the ministry of the Admiral church of Christ!  By conducting Bible studies and mini-crusades, it resulted to 88 souls baptized for 2021.  Jess is asking prayers that he could have the strength and knowledge to be able to handle such big responsibility!  Let’s pray for him!


Bro. Noni said, they were able to open an outreach in the nearby barangay of GRS. This year, it’s their target to be able to build a house of worship in the said outreach as there are now at least 5 baptized believers and the members are very much excited to open a Sunday worship service soonest possible time! Noni also said, this is one of the results of the cell grouping and encouraging the members to invite non-believers in their cell group discussions. 


Bro. Jay Perez also shared that they despite the pandemic, they were able to reach out to other barangays of Oas, Albay, which are Maonon, Quniwalan and Cabarian.  Jay also continued, they were able to find prospects in these barangays as he regularly go to these barangays to for his “groceries on wheels”.  “Having 6 children, I also have to find ways on how to support my family well.  So, I decided to do this, because at the same time I also find prospects for Bible studies,” Jay said.  This 2021, Bro. Jay reported of 12 souls being baptized.  And this 2022, it is his plan to continue sharing the Word of God to the three barangays mentioned, hoping that there will be souls to reap in the near future! 


Bro. Jess is very thankful, because despite of the pandemic lockdown, worship services in their area was never stopped! They had face to face and sometimes online or live streaming worship. Bro. Jess was also able to open a radio ministry program in a local radio station and said even though it was difficult to find sponsors for a 700 pesos pay for 30minutes airing, the radio ministry continued even now! Jess is also reaching out to the police of Mindoro through the moral recovery program of the PNP. He had 14 baptisms for 2021.


We didn’t have baptisms today because of the pandemic situation.  But what they did was, we focused on strengthening the faith of every member by having regular fellowships and by helping each other in improving the chapel building.  We had it renovated and made some improvements which also made the brethren happy.  Our plans next year is to conduct leadership seminars so we can have additional servant-leaders who will help the church grow even more!  We will also focus on revival program as we’ve learned some are missing (because of the pandemic).  - Reported by Bro. Fredie


We give God all the glory and honor!!  Because in spite of the pandemic, most of our recipients continue to do the task of soul winning and preaching the Word of God (in season and out of season).  Some of our pastor-recipient got sick or were victims of covid 19, but thank be to God, they survived!

Overall number of baptisms for the individual group is 245 and from the church planting group, there were 131 baptized believers.  Therefore, there were at least 376 souls won for the Lord for the year 2021 by the CCMP recipients!  


There were two or three things we can consider as “great accomplishments” for the year 2021 by our recipients.  First one is the baptism of 28 Aetas or native Filipinos.  We give God all the glory because our pastor-recipients in that area, Bros. Henry Flores Sr and Jesse Comandante worked hard on letting them understand the real need of every man!  We can go back at the time we reached out to them first last 4 years ago.  They were aloof and very observant on our actions and our motives on reaching them!  It was my very own experience when I met their chieftain that time (who was a woman) and I was warned not to talk anything about other religion because they have their own beliefs and that the nuns who helped them be able to own their place might get angry.  But as we continued, I was surprised that in December 2018 when we went there for a gift - giving, during the short program,  the very first chieftain gave me the opportunity to share about our faith.  And so we shared Jesus to them! :-)  From then on, CCMP Board got a wonderful idea that we should have pastors who can go to their place from time to time so it would not also be difficult and stressful for us going to Botolan from Manila for 6 hour trip!  We acquired Jess Comandante and Henry Flores and the rest was history! Now, we have 28 baptized believers in the area and wanting to have their own chapel building so they can have a place where they can gather to worship God! 


The second “great accomplishment” by our recipients is Bro. Jess Canas’ ministry in Admiral Church of Christ in Antipolo!  Because of Bro. Jess’ ministry to the children - the BLESS ministry and feeding program, he and the officers of Admiral church were able to reach out children fro two different areas in Antipolo.  During the pandemic time, a ministry of the Methodists group in the area was shut and when they happen to know the ministry of Admiral Church and met Bro. Jess, they entrusted them their ministry to the children!  Good thing, the vendor’s association in one of Antipolo;s wet market backed up Bro. Jess and the church and they are the once supporting the foods of the not less than 200 children.  As the days went by.. little by little, the parents of the children and even the children themselves decided to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior!  Right now, they have 88 baptism! Let us pray that these new believers be taken cared of properly!

The third one is Warren Urma’s ministry in Real Church of Christ.  Real church’s outreach which is Laguio now has their own chapel building donated by Korean groups!  


What a great God we have!  Even in this time of pandemic He never stops to amaze us and help us become successful in our endeavor!