Botolan Mission


“From a willing heart to God’s sweet,

sweet salvation...”

The mission started sometime in 2018 when someone responded to God's call to bring his love to our Aeta brethren. Not long after, a meeting was held at Panera Bread in Brea, California to discuss the logistics of next steps. Now here we are celebrating the goodness of God and praising Him for bringing His people together to fellowship and worship Him in Botolan.

Fast forward to 2021, from January to June, the mission in Botolan had been in a “roller coaster” because of the pandemic.  There had been more times that Botolan was locked down due to the COVID 19 problems.  Our workers, Bro. Henry Flores and Bro. Jesse Comandante only wait for further notice and instructions as to when will Botolan will open again. 

Nevertheless, we praise the Lord as they were still able to go and visit the place of our Aeta brethren when ever there’s an opportunity!  

Bro. Roger, our contact in Bihawo had now opened the place and actually started to build a bahay kubo or a mission house where to conduct worship services and other activities related to the advancement of God’s Word and His kingdom! 

Brothers Henry and Jess takes turn as to when will they visit the Aetas’ place.  Bro. Henry and his group usually go to Botolan every Saturday.  They bring their audio Bible and let the Aetas listen to the Gospel in their own dialect.  Then, after listening to it, Bro. Henry will start their Bible study. 

On Sundays (afternoon), Bro. Jesse and his companions also visit the place and conduct Bible studies and teach the children.  Bro. Jess and his companions also bring a laptop and plays a short film (stories in the Bible), a sort of film showing.  But after this they will now also start their Bible study. 

Bro. Jess said, we need to pray hard for this mission so that more souls can be reached out and finally be won for the Lord! 

Our Aeta brethren were also very happy when they were able to receive their own Bibles (especially the children). 

As of December 2021,

Botolan Mission has 28 baptized believers

Let us give praises and glory to the Lord our God as He never fails to amaze us! In spite of the fact that this pandemic had somehow limited us in our activities, our good, good God did not limit His blessings and His provisions!

Who would think that during this pandemic, 28 Aeta brethren will surrender to Jesus and accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior? After several years, our efforts now have fruits! Thanks to all the supporters of CCMP also!

We have touched the lives of our Aetas brethren firstly by conducting medical mission, helping the school coped up with the pandemic in printing modules by giving them printer, bond paper and ink, and more importantly, by giving them bibles.

Our Aeta brethren really dream to have their own house of worship! They wanted to build even a chapel building made of light materials because they want the worship service be done continuously. Last time, when they were having their worship service, it suddenly rained and the worship service was stopped and was just continued when the rain also stopped.

This is where they first held their worship service:

By August 2022

A House of Worship has been built!

As of today they used their offering to buy posts and other things to be able to build a bigger house of worship. The first one they made, they said will be used for the children’s Sunday school! Because Jess and Henry have their own churches being served every Sunday, they agreed to each other that the Sunday worship service in Bihawo (Aetas’ place) will be at 6 o’clock in the morning!

How wonderful it is to see brethren gathering in worship, especially as young believers! Christ is in the midst of us in every turn and in every place but gathering in a place of worship makes the heart all the more sing in praises and thanks.

But before we can build the house of worship, we first need to acquire the right to use portion of the lot belonging to one of the aetas beneficiaries. Shown below is the contract signing between Mrs. Domulot and the CCMP representative.

Construction started in May 2022 now, we can all see where we are! These pictures will show the youth group of this very young family of believers gathering in the newly built chapel.  Praises and glory to the Lord our God for His leading and provisions, and for all of you generous and cheerful givers who took and continue to take action with God’s leading and prodding! Truly God and His family are in your hearts! We are especially grateful to the Jesus Walk’ers who have the Botolan mission in their hearts.  We are also thankful for the brothers and sisters of Narciso, Zambales church who continue to partake in this mission. God called His people from different places and walks of life to work together in building His house in this place.

We pray that this chapel truly become a sanctuary where people of God gather to worship, and for it to be a blessing to the community around it.

To this day, as a living testament of God’s grace working through CCMP and our local brothers and sisters in Christ, we have seen the establishment of the church of our Lord Jesus Christ in Bihawo, with our native brothers embracing the same faith that we have in Christ. To God be all the Glory!

The church in Bihawo now has 37 baptized members, with 40-50 attendees every Sunday and 16 of them are youth. We’re barely scraping the surface of this mission. We need to continue investing in them with time and resources not only to know God more but also to see the better side of life.

Water System for the Community

The mission continues to improve the living condition of not only the brethren in the area but also with the community by constructing a deep-well clean water system. We hope to continue serving the community through the benevolence of our brothers in CCMP.

120 pipe was drilled into the ground to tap into the water source and all of this was made possible through the benevolence of one of CCMP good Samaritans

Continued Preaching of the Word!

The gospel was preached, children were taught, and God is praised! Bless the name of the Lord!

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